Panel bridge

The Janson Panel Bridge system (JPB) was designed for temporary and permanent installation where a span of up to 85 metres is required for work or general traffic. The system is built up from modular standard panels.

The separate parts are designed in a way that they can be put together with using light tools, so that a panel bridge can be installed in places that are inaccessible to heavy-duty vehicles and heavy cranes. The bridge system can be expanded with towers to allow vertical height differences.

Janson panel bridges were designed with any eye for assembly with the use of relatively small tools and small cranes. It is also possible to set up this bridge system horizontally in places where a crane has no excess at all. The bridge sections can be pre-assembled as separate units or can be transported partly pre-assembled to the destination of the bridge.



Modular field length
3,048m (10ft)
Road surface width
3.2, 4.2, 7.4m
Anti skit layer
Maximum free span
Deck height including support
From 0.85m
Traffic, pedestrian
  • Single spans up to 85 meter.
  • Suitable for public infrastructure or construction site traffic.
  • Option of hinged and continuous coupling.
  • Assemby with minimal tools and equipment.
  • Guardrails and pedestrian footwalk optional. 
Panel bridge




With our pre-engineered and off the shelf bridge systems, Janson Bridging provides a rapid response for any mobility challenge at any time. We are con...
Emergency Bridges for the Royal Irrigation Department - Thailand

Emergency Bridges for the Royal Irrigation Department - Thailand

One of the important activities of the Royal Irrigation Department is emergency services in cases of flooding. For this purpose the departments has pu...
Janson Panel Bridges Puente Arenas - Chile

Janson Panel Bridges Puente Arenas - Chile

Supply of 1 nos. panel bridge to CMT for the remote area Timaukel Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena in Chile.